Welcome To My Website

Web developer, problem solver.

Hi - I'm Thomas. I design and deploy systems to eliminate redundancy and supercharge automations. In a world full of computers, let's make them work for us!

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Read more about what I do

The first thing I do is talk to you. The more I understand about your business or particular use-case the better I can develop a project that will work for you.

I provide beginning-to-end website development, deployment and on-going support. This means developing and designing your website, deploying it to a server, linking it to a domain and securing it with HTTPS.
You will need a name, an idea and a willingness to communicate with me in the development phase.
The short answer is, it depends. The long answer is, modeling a client's needs from scratch can have a lot of moving parts. The first step is to get a good idea of how the existing structure works (if there is one). Then we decide which processes we can modify or automate and go from there. The end goal is to prioritize automation and keep it simple.
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My services

I aim to make my services easy and affordable for any level or experience.


Automate manual tasks with API integrations, scheduled tasks and more!

Web design

Beautiful template integrations or custom Bootstrap 5 websites!


Easy, no hassle, secure deployments with affordable hosting!


Server maintenance, scheduled tasks and secure HTTPS connection and firewall!

Recent work

My recent projects from around the web!


Hair stylist website and blog with Square appointments integration.

Do you have a project in mind? You can hire me.

I'm always looking for new ideas and love a challenge.

Get in touch

Send me a quick message with your project idea and what you would like to see in a website. Let's talk!
